To the Hill, Near the Lunatic Express

A Poem of Commemoration

David S.
2 min readApr 2, 2019
David S.

You, Hill,


Of the stillborn

Watered by tears of mourning.

You lay silent as the babies

Inside of you,

Who never cried.

A stones throw from the old railroad bed

The Lunatic Express

Lethal project that consumed

2500 laborers,

Famed for man-eating-lions

But remembers not man-eating-man

On the perilous journey west.

You, Hill

Your backbone is human

But your heart is dirt

Your eyes are closed

To the majesty before you

And the dreams that died

On your crest.

Even the crosses that adorned you

Have crumbled.

Today I resurrect the memories,

Speak what has been

And could be forgotten.

I use the voice you do not have,

I say, all this happened here,

On you, hill.

David S.

What it will cost no words can express,
What is its object no brain can suppose,
Where it will start from no one can guess,
Where it is going to nobody knows,
What is the use of it, none can conjecture,
What it will carry, there is none can define,
And in spite of George Curzon’s superior lecture,
It is clearly naught but a lunatic line.

Henry Labouchère

Learn more about The Lunatic Express



David S.
David S.

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