On one level, I love this approach.
In oneness, everything just is. When we are in oneness instead of duality, and when we are in feeling instead of emotions, then we align with the feeling-tone vibrations of love, joy, and beauty. And we will be able to find love, joy, and beauty in everything we come into contact with — even a homeless man. When we can do this, then we are energizing the love, joy, and beauty of everything we come into contact with, rather than the duality-based patterns of judgment/emotion. This changes everything!
On the other it bothers me in that it seems another form of dehumanization.
This approach changes the attitude of the person with power, but not the state of the homeless man. He is still anonymous, thoughtless, feelingless. He remains an object.
To say, “I am at one with you,” person in pain or poverty, but not to listen or interact with them, to seek to enter with them into that suffering is just as serious an error as to judge them.
If I have cancer, I do not need good energy, I need a doctor.
If I am freezing in a Michigan storm, I do not need oneness, I need shelter.
We can think all the good thoughts we want, pray all the prayers we want, free ourselves from judgement. . .but unless we engage with, listen to and act on behalf of those in need, all this is vanity and selfishness.
I’d submit Humans of New York or GMB Akash as brilliant examples of engaging with the world in an honoring, humanizing way.