Member-only story
If you are like me, sometimes you lose your bearings,
North turns South,
East becomes West,
And its probably because you are looking at a part of a picture
Not the whole.
You are believing a partial truth,
Which is as good as a lie.
You are not as filthy as you think,
But neither as wise as you suppose.
Your most critical failure,
Is willingness to abandon what is true
To chase what is in front of you.
But you return, in time.
Sometimes there is heartache along the way,
Sometimes you want to run, run, run,
But, the old adage is proven true,
Wherever you go,
There you are.
You discover the earth is round,
And in this spherical existence,
If you move far enough away,
You end up precisely where you began.
You have known true north,
You still know it,
You have only to remember,
You have only to come home,
Even if you come around the long way.