Member-only story
Let’s get out of here
Get some lunch
Do you know a restaurant?
Drive to Moss Point
I’ll pay you twenty five dollars
If you take me there.
How old am I?
Seventeen? Twenty-Three?
Who are you?
You’re my brother.
You fell off a water-tower a half-century ago,
Left Virginia a widow.
Of course I know who you are.
Do I have a son, (laughter) no, I don’t have children.
You’re my brother.
The facility called you at midnight, worried.
I tried to escape.
You were secretly delighted, like that time I ended up in the E.R. when I cut my hand running from a nurse in a midnight fruit snatch-n-grab.
I bought you a thousand pairs of running shoes so you wouldn’t ruin your feet, you are proud of my getaway.
Safety is my enemy.
Safety and showers
73 years, every night I drew a bath,
Don’t blame me for fighting the nurse,