Hmm. . .the automobile, the computer, the cell-phone. I’m a bit grateful for government monopolies that provide power and electricity. . .I really enjoy cholera-free water.
Clothes that come from a factory rather than a sheep are far less itchy!
Oh yes, and those evil boxes holding whatever I want show up at my door so I no longer have to drive to WalMart (now the kindly old villain). I do love the things that arrive in the evil boxes from the evil company.
Mother Theresa, Schindler were the answer and antidote, but the new hope is that the government will break up massive multinational (if they even actually have a home on earth all) tech companies?
I’d propose that the “problem” is a human behavior issue and the “solution” is not to send us back to the Stone Age.
It’s on us, not on an external savior, to choose our own destiny.
Where I do completely agree with is the false notion of CSR these companies put forth. Call a spade a spade.
Why is Amazon Smile a separate website that a user must remember?
Why can’t I create a Facebook Fundraiser for my US based non-profit with African browser settings?
Why does Chick Fil A (which I do love) generate SO MUCH TRASH? And simultaneously give me a straw too small to drink a peach milkshake without being clogged!
Mysteries of the universe. . .